HES Sessions at ASSA

The 2025 ASSA Annual Meeting will be held on January 3–5, 2025 (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) in San Francisco, California. The headquarters hotel is Hilton San Francisco Union Square. Please use this link to view the Preliminary Program

Sessions Hosted by the History of Economics Society

Friday, January 3

2:30 PM – 4:30 PM (PST)

Hosted By: History of Economics Society

Chair: Giulia Zacchia, Sapienza University of Rome

JEL Classifications

  • B2 – History of Economic Thought since 1925
  • E3 – Prices, Business Fluctuations, and Cycles

The Evolution of Keynes’s Thought on Inflation: Nuance and Pragmatism
Nina Nina Eichacker, University of Rhode Island

Beyond the Phillips Curve: Some Italian Perspectives
Carlo D’Ippoliti, Sapienza University of Rome

From Tawney to Noyola: Understanding Latin American Structural Inflation
Wesley C. Marshall, National Autonomous University of Mexico

Conflict Inflation in the Center and the Periphery
Matías Vernengo, Bucknell University
Esteban Perez Caldentey, UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean


  • Giulia Zacchia, Sapienza University of Rome
  • Robert W. Dimand, Brock University
  • Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak, American University-Paris
  • Rebeca Gomez Betancourt, University of Lyon

Saturday, January 4

12:30 PM – 2:15 PM (PST)

Hosted By: History of Economics Society

Chair: Juan Pablo Arroyo, National Autonomous University of Mexico

JEL Classifications

  • B2 – History of Economic Thought since 1925
  • N0 – General

Horacio Flores de la Peña and the Theory Economic Development with Growth and Distribution
Pablo Arroyo, National Autonomous University of Mexico

A Promoter of Mexican Neoliberalism: Gustavo R. Velasco
María Eugenia Romero Sotelo, National Autonomous University of Mexico

Carlos Tello, Secretary of Programming and Budget: The Search of a Counterweight in Public Spending
Diana López Hernández, National Autonomous University of Mexico

Jesús Silva Herzog at the Head of the Ministry of Finance and the Debt Crisis
María de los Ángeles Cortés Basurto, National Autonomous University of Mexico


  • Maria Bach, University of Lausanne
  • Angela Ambrosino, University of Torino

2:30 PM – 4:30 PM (PST)

Hosted By: History of Economics Society

Chair: Nina Eichacker, University of Rhode Island

JEL Classifications

  • E5 – Monetary Policy, Central Banking, and the Supply of Money and Credit
  • B3 – History of Economic Thought: Individuals

A Friedmanian Reading of Monetary Policies in the Great Recession
Sylvie Rivot, University of Haute-Alsace

Discretion and Liquidity: A Minskian Perspective on Decentralized Finance
Daniel H. Neilson, Bard College at Simon’s Rock

The Relevance of Keynes for Understanding Contemporary Monetary Innovations
Jacopo Maria Magurno, University of Milano

Asset-Referenced Tokens and Hayek’s Commodity Reserve Currency
Angela Ambrosino, University of Torino
Luca Fantacci, University of Milano


  • Jacopo Maria Magurno, University of Milano
  • Carlo D’Ippoliti, Sapienza University of Rome
  • Nina Eichacker, University of Rhode Island
  • Daniel H. Neilson, Bard College at Simon’s Rock

Sunday, January 5

8:00 AM – 10:00 AM (PST)

Hosted By: History of Economics Society & International Association for Feminist Economics
Chair: Giandomenica Becchio, University of Torino

JEL Classifications

  • B2 – History of Economic Thought since 1925
  • D1 – Household Behavior and Family Economics

Will the Expansion of Economics of the Household Facilitate the Entry of Women into Top Economics Departments?
Shoshana Grossbard, San Diego State University

Economic Science in Fictional Form: Harriet Martineau and James Mill
David M. Levy, George Mason University
Sandra J. Peart, University of Richmond

Social Control Through the Body: Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Neglected Approach
Guillaume Vallet, Grenoble Alpes University

Reproduction and Family Limitation during the U.S. Progressive Era: The Analysis of Irving Fisher
Rebeca Gomez Betancourt, University of Lyon
Marianne Johnson, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Miriam Bankovsky, La Trobe University


  • Giandomenica Becchio, University of Torino
  • Guillaume Vallet, Grenoble Alpes University
  • Rebeca Betancourt, Grenoble Alpes University
  • David Levy, George Mason University

1:00 PM – 3:00 PM (PST)

Hosted By: Association for Evolutionary Economics & History of Economics Society

Chair: John T. Harvey, Texas Christian University

JEL Classifications

  • B2 – History of Economic Thought since 1925
  • B1 – History of Economic Thought through 1925

A History of Monetary Thoughts on Chartalism and Nominalism: From Ancient China and Ancient Rome, to Medieval European Legists, to Alfred Mitchell-Innes
Eric Tymoigne, Lewis & Clark College

Horses, Serfs, Slaves, Investment and Transitions Debates: An Exploratory Analysis
Thomas Lambert, University of Louisville

Consensual Servitude and Virtual Property
Antoon Spithoven, Utrecht University

John R. Commons and Irving Fisher: Contrasting Methodologies but Allies in Policy Reform
Robert W. Dimand, Brock University

From Individuals to Self-Entrepreneurs: A Dialogue between Institutional Economics and Social Anthropology
Manuel Ramon, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
Magda dos Santos Ribeiro, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

The Institutional Economics and Public Service of Edwin A. Elliott
John T. Harvey, Texas Christian University