5th JHET Online Writing Workshop series: Session 3

After very successful rounds of a series of workshops in the last four years, we are now running its fifth edition and we are here to invite you all to participate of its third session. The JHET Online Writing Workshops are conducted by Paul Dudenhefer, who has been for many years the managing editor of History of Political Economy (HOPE) and has a vast experience with helping economics students improve their academic writing.
  Although difficulties with writing is not exclusive to non-native English speakers, the fact that the history of economics is a very international community makes language barriers a significant factor behind the heterogeneous representation of the works by historians written in English.
  In order to help both non-native and native English speakers improve their writing and presentation skills, JHET is offering these workshops free of charge to anyone interested. We will give priority to early-career scholars (graduate students or those who graduated in the last 5 years) but aim to have a diverse group of participants. The meeting takes place through Zoom.
  The third meeting is scheduled for May 7 (Tuesday), 2024, from 10AM to 11AM EDT time (UTC-4; New York time), and its topic is described below. And differently from last editions, this year Paul will discuss a theme in the workshop session through one book he selected.
  As we did last year, there is a new feature to these workshops. Members of the History of Economics Society can apply for an individual 30min private tutorial with Paul to discuss a writing sample of theirs. Two of such sessions will immediately follow the one-hour plenary session.
  If you are interested in the workshop, please fill in the online form:
  The deadline for applying is May 3, 2024 (Friday), and participation is subject to availability.
Session 3: A Sense of Style (Stylish Academic Writing, by Helen Sword)
  Please circulate this to anyone who may be interested!
  This workshop is brought to you by the History of Economics Society (HES). If you are currently not a member, please consider joining the society in order to support this initiative and the several others aimed at encouraging interest, fostering scholarship, and promoting discussion among scholars and professionals in the field of the history of economics and related disciplines. For further details, please visit https://historyofeconomics.org/about-the-society/become-a-member/



HES Conference Childcare Registration Closes



2024 Annual Conference

The Annual Conference of the History of Economics Society is one of the most important international gatherings of historians of economics. The conference provides an opportunity to meet with friends and colleagues, to learn about new research in the field, and to talk with journal and book editors and bloggers. 2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of the History of Economics Society. Join us to celebrate this occasion at our annual meetings at the Universidad del Desarrollo in Santiago, Chile. Visit our Annual Conference page for more information.



2024 HES Conference Welcome Reception

7:00 PM InterContinental Hotel, Santiago, Chile

Visit our Annual Conference page for more information



2024 HES Conference Day 1

  • 12:30 – 2:00 PM Young Scholars Luncheon, Universidad del Desarrollo

Visit our Annual Conference page for more information



2024 HES Conference Day 2

  • 12:00 – 1:30 PM JHET Luncheon, Universidad del Desarrollo
  • 5:00 – 6:00 PM HES Business Meeting, Universidad del Desarrollo
  • 7:30 PM Awards Banquet, InterContinental Hotel

Visit our Annual Conference page for more information



2024 HES Conference Day 3

  • 11:00 – 12:00 PM Presidential Address, Universidad del Desarrollo
  • 12:00 – 1:30 PM Diversity Caucus Luncheon

Visit our Annual Conference page for more information



Post-Conference Winery Tour

Santiago, Chile

Visit our Annual Conference page for more information


JAN 2025

2025 ASSA Meetings

The History of Economics Society (HES) will sponsor four sessions at the Allied Social Science Associations (ASSA) meetings, January 3-5, 2025, in San Francisco, CA.

The ASSA offers historians of economic thought an opportunity to present high-quality historical research to a wider audience of professional economists. Given this, preference will be given to proposals that are most likely to interest the broader community. Please remember proposals are invited for entire sessions, rather than single papers.

Please submit session proposals, including (1) abstracts for each proposed paper, (2) key words, and JEL codes (3) the name, e-mail address and affiliation of each paper presenter and of the chair of the proposed session, to me at cristina.marcuzzo@uniroma1.it The deadline for submissions is May 17, 2024.

Sessions that are sponsored jointly with another society are welcomed, as are proposals for sessions marking significant events in the discipline.

If you are planning to submit a proposal, please email cristina.marcuzzo@uniroma1.it to inform her of the theme, and any plans for joint sessions with other societies.


JAN 2025

2025 CFP HES-AFEE Session at ASSA

The History of Economics Society (HES) and the Association for Evolutionary Economics (AFEE) are pleased to announce their wish for a joint session on ‘John R. Commons, a founder of Original Institutional Economics’, to be hosted during the upcoming ASSA meetings in San Francisco, CA, January 3-5, 2025.

Topic: Educated in the German tradition of economics by his mentor Richard T. Ely, Commons brought a historical perspective to bear on our understanding of the American economy. In so doing, he contributed very significantly to the development of American institutionalism, a leading approach in the field of economics before WWII. The combination of economic and legal issues was a hallmark of Commons’ writings, culminating in his masterpiece Legal Foundations of Capitalism (1924), whose centenary we commemorate this year. Commons introduced the economics profession to influential ideas about transactions, contracting, and the importance of rules and the law. He also highlighted the notion of ‘reasonable value’ and the impact exerted by the courts on economic life. Legal Foundations of Capitalism attributed a significant role to the legal system in the well-functioning of markets and the economy, especially during periods of fundamental change.

Submissions of individual paper or panel proposals for this joint session should observe the details below:

Deadline for submissions: May 1, 2024

Membership requirement: At least one of the authors of any paper, as well as each contributor to a panel must be a current member of AFEE.

Submissions: Please submit your individual paper or panel proposals by email to wilfred.dolfsma@wur.nl and also cristina.marcuzzo@uniroma1.it

A proposal for presentation of a paper or for presentation in a panel must include the following:

  • Names & full contact details of Corresponding Author
  • Name & full contact details of Presenting Author
  • List of all co-authors, including affiliation and email addresses
  • Title of the paper
  • Abstract (max. 250 words)
  • 2 JEL codes
  • 3 keywords